VR training to tackle unconscious bias
A series of 360 VR experiences that place the user in the position of a woman experiencing subtle problematic behaviours at work. I use these as part of a consultancy program for organisations wanting to increase their diversity and inclusion.

Misogynistic microagressions training: Virtual Reality for behaviour change
To identify misogynistic micro-aggressive behaviour arising from implicit bias in the work place and use virtual reality as a tool to change that behaviour.
The training
Many professional women encounter a type of misogyny at work which is too subtle to make an official complaint about. These are microaggressions; subtle physical or verbal behaviour based on bias and stereotypes.
Colleagues participate by experiencing virtual scenarios where such behaviour is exhibited. This is followed by a guided conversation where themes in the experiences are discussed. Nothing more is asked of participants; individuals are trusted to make personal changes as they deem appropriate.
Hundreds of personal accounts of misogynistic micro- aggressions were collected from hundreds of women. There were 3 criteria:
1. Accounts were from professional women currently working in corporate and tech organisations.
2. Recent experiences.
3. Behaviour that was too subtle to be treated as blatant misogyny by common HR standards.
4 common themes emerged, which form the basis for the scenarios:
1) Personal comments
2) Being ignored
3) Assumed to be junior
4) Combative / undermining attitude

Featured in the Evening Standard